Children’s Ministry
“Grow Where You Are Planted” Jeremiah 29:4
Seeds of Faith
Our Children’s Ministry goal is to plants seeds of faith in the hearts of the children so they grow in their relationship with Jesus.
We look forward to you joining us in the following activities.
Vacation Bible School- In June, 4 year old preschoolers thru 5th graders attend a three evening fun filled time of music, drama, craft and games all centered around learning about the love of Jesus.
This ministry also supports the church’s preschool by the following:
Tissue & Tears-On the 1st day of school coffee and doughnuts and tissues are shared with parents as they drop off their little ones. We know this can be a difficult time for parents to leave their preschooler for the first time.
Inspirational Cards-holiday inspirational message from the pastor and a special treats for the children are sent home.
Also on holidays, treats are provided for the staff.
Volunteers are always welcomed for this ministry
Adopt-A-Classroom Program
with FUMC Preschool