Connect to Prayer


Sunday Prayer Team

Each Sunday, our prayer team meets to pray for our church leaders and pastor, our community, the world, and individual prayer requests. They are self-led. We have prayer request forms in the pews for your use Sunday morning or you may phone the church office at 863-676-2516 with your request. It could be argued that theirs is the most important job in the church. Jesus himself is our role model for prayer and we take it very seriously.

Prayer Chain

Our church prayer chain consists of eighteen caring and dedicated believers who volunteer daily to lift up those who are in need of intercessory prayers. A call to the church office will trigger prayer for yourself or a loved one. Our chain is led by Linda Davis. Prayer requests can be made to her directly or through the pastor or church office. This group operates under strict confidentiality and is great for people with limited mobility. If you are interested being a link on the chain, reach out to the office at 863-676-2516 or contact us through this site. Prayer works!