The GeriActives will tour El Retiro (formerly known as Pinewood) which is decorated for Christmas as it would have been back in the 1930’s. While there, we will also participate in Gnome for the Holidays, a seasonal scavenger hunt. The second experience is enjoying a live carillon concert while watching a live video feed of the carillonneur playing.
10:30 Meet in the Visitor’s Center and watch the video and explore the exhibits
11:00 Visit El Retiro, where we will have a docent-led tour and participate in the Gnome
Scavenger Hunt
12:00 Eat Lunch at the Blue Palmetto Cafe, the restaurant at the Gardens
1:00 Enjoy the live concert by carillonneur Geert D’hollander
1:45 Visit the Gift Shop and explore the Gardens as long as you want
Even though you’ll buy your own tickets at the gate, please let Vicki know if you plan to attend.
CONTACT: Vicki Iliff at 847-849-0772 for more information or to sign up for an outing.